
21.03.2024 - 22.03.2024 8th OCT & RETINA Forum
09:00 година
19:00 година

We are glad to announce the 8th OCT & RETINA Forum which will be held in Milan, Italy, on 21-22 March 2024: it will serve as an exclusive forum for international experts focused on OCT, OCTA and ultra-widefield imaging, clinical trials, new drugs and new laser treatments.

Website: https://octforum2024.eu/


The congress program will include presentations on imaging, focus on therapies, and updates on treatments for maculopathy, and vascular and retinal diseases. In particular, some of the most important researchers will show the results of the last trials conducted in their clinical investigation centres.

The congress will be an opportunity also for young ophthalmologists. Professor Bandello and Professor Querques have designed a special session, based on the format of previous years: clinical – often challenging – case short presentations, where expert Speakers will give voice to residents and fellows. The patient is thus virtually “visited” by a panel of internationally experienced ophthalmologists, sharing diagnostic evaluations and discussing the most appropriate therapies.

The congress will also be open to scientific poster submissions that will be selected for presentation by the faculty.

The congress will also give the chance to try directly the latest technologies for retinal imaging, therefore young ophthalmologists can learn in an informal and friendly environment.

Invitation flyer OCT2024 in pdf 

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